Portable Appliance Test (PAT)

Portable Appliance Test (PAT)

Portable Appliance Test (PAT)

Cornerstone is an authorized provider of portable appliance test solutions in Dubai. A portable appliance test is commonly known as “PAT”, which is the term used to describe the examination of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use. Most electrical safety defects can be found by visual examination but some types of defect can only be found by testing.

We conduct the most effective PAT testing service in UAE. Clients can contact us to test all the electrical products in their businesses. By setting new standards of excellence in operations and maintenance, we have set a benchmark in the industry. We perform world-class portable appliance test solutions, helping to reduce risks and lower overall appliance maintenance costs without compromising on safety. Avail the best portable appliance test solutions in Dubai at a budget-friendly cost.

Portable Appliance Testing is the recognized way for companies and businesses to ensure that their electrical equipment is safe for use by their staff and members of the public who enter their premises.

Our difference

Our PASS certified inspectors use specialist testing equipment to perform specific electrical tests on appliances to ensure that it is working within BS EN standards for safety.

Upon completion of the portable appliance inspection and testing our client will receive a report detailing the following:

  1. An inventory containing each appliance type, name, location and description
  2. A full set of test results for each appliance tested
  3. A full list of any failed items with an explanation of their failure
  4. A full list of any failed items with an explanation of their failure
  5.  A visible pass or fail label on each appliance detailing the inspection date, next test due and the inspector’s signature.