Stack and Process Emission Monitoring

Stack and Process Emission Monitoring

Stack and Process Emission Monitoring

Stack testing represents an analytical procedure to measure the emissions from an emission point. Stacks from boilers and industrial processes will carry pollutants such as SOx, NOx, particles, solvents and other dusts and gases. These can have a detrimental effect on local air quality and for this reason such emissions are often regulated.

A stack test is a procedure for sampling a gas stream from a single sampling location at a facility, unit, or pollution control equipment. It is used to determine a pollutant emission rate, concentration, or parameter while the facility, unit, or pollution control equipment is operating at conditions that result in the measurement of the highest emission or parameter values (prior to any control device) or at other operating conditions approved by the regulatory authority.

Our difference

Cornerstone provides mobile stack emission measurements, supporting your emission control programs with accurate and reliable monitoring services. In particular, our stack emission monitoring advisors can help you to comply with regulations and emissions permits.